New Series: Rangle Talks, with Redux Creator Dan Abramov

Rangle Talks is a new series featuring Rangle executives speaking with innovators in the JavaScript world. Listen to the show for insights from industry leaders on the latest news and trends in JavaScript.

On this edition of Rangle Talks, Rangle's CTO Yuri Takhteyev sits down with Redux creator Dan Abramov at React Europe 2016 to discuss the future of Redux and Dan’s involvement with React.

Speaker's Bio:

Yuri Takhteyev

Yuri is’s second developer, a former faculty member at the University of Toronto, and a published author. He is an expert in front-end and test-driven development, server-side development, UX and design. Yuri holds a M.S. in Computer Science from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in Information Management and Systems from the University of California, Berkeley. To hear more from Yuri, follow him on Twitter at @qaramazov.