5 Critical Practices to Make Agile Work for Angular, React and Backbone Projects

A webinar from Rangle.io’s Scrum lead Dave van Rees and CEO Nick van Weerdenburg

This webinar takes an in depth look at how to overcome the unique Agile challenges introduced when building single page applications using Angular, React, and Backbone.

Topics covered:

  • Why it is important to deliver releasable software increments. Story writing across front-end and server layers. Two stories or one?
  • Why documentation is more important when it comes to fractured stories.
  • Why Agile testing drives continuous delivery and successful agile.
  • How agile varies for UX, controllers, services, and components.
Nick van Weerdenburg's Bio:

Nick is Rangle.io’s founder, first developer, and now leads the company’s business development and strategy activities. Nick first did server-side JavaScript in 1997 and has 15 years of experience in web software in diverse roles and industries. He is a firm believer in the thin-server, full-JavaScript stack and an active speaker, delivering about a dozen talks each year. To hear more from Nick, follow him on Twitter at @n1cholasv.

Dave van Rees' Bio:

Dave is an scrum master coach with Rangle.io. He brings many years of Agile experience from his 20 year career. He has an extensive background building high performance teams and working with Scrum and Kanban based projects. To hear more from Dave, follow him on Twitter at @davevanrees.