Agency Shift Php To Javascript

How to face the biggest technical and process transformations in over a decade

A talk by Nick Van Weerdenberg, CEO of

Our CEO explains why JavaScript is the future default stack for agency projects and why companies risk losing clients at an increasing pace if they don’t modernize their stack.

Topics Covered

  • How JavaScript is defining the modern web.
  • Benefits of full-stack JavaScript versus mixed-stack solutions.
  • Why HTML5 and mobile change everything.
  • The impact of Lean/Agile practices on development practices and why that suggests JavaScript is the leading option.

Speaker's Bio

Nick is’s founder, first developer, and now leads the company’s business development and strategy activities. Nick first did server-side JavaScript in 1997 and has 15 years of experience in web software in diverse roles and industries. He is a firm believer in the thin-server, full-JavaScript stack and an active speaker, delivering about a dozen talks each year. To hear more from Nick, follow him on Twitter at @n1cholasv.