Look Deeply Into Your App with Augury

Talk by Igor Kamenetsky and Vanessa Yuen, developers at Rangle

Augury, formerly known as Batarangle, is a Chrome Developer Tools extension that allows developers to visualize their Angular 2 application’s component tree and the data associated with it.

In this video, Igor and Vanessa introduce Augury to the ng-Conf 2016 crowd, revealing the tool's main functions and features.

Angular Augury is now available on the Google Chrome Web Store


Speaker's Bio

Igor Kamenetsky

Igor Kamenetsky, is a Rangle.io Engineering Director with 10 years of professional experience in design and development of a variety of computer systems. Igor’s passion is developing techniques suitable for large scale application development on the front-end using functional programming approaches.

Vanessa Yuen

Vanessa is a fullstack developer at Rangle.io, who worked extensively on the team that was creating the official developer tools for Angular 2. The team worked closely with the Angular 2 team at Google, and they’re now happy to present the results of their work to developers around the world: at NgConf in May, and at Ng-Europe this fall. Vanessa is also very active in the community, mentoring frequently with communities such as Node School, Kids Learning Code, and Ladies Learning Code.