Arguably the most important question facing web application architects and stakeholders today is "What approach and stack should I base future (and current) significant applications on?" This webinar gets you closer to answering that question.
Nick is’s founder, first developer, and now leads the company’s business development and strategy activities. Nick first did server-side JavaScript in 1997 and has 15 years of experience in web software in diverse roles and industries. He is a firm believer in the thin-server, full-JavaScript stack and an active speaker, delivering about a dozen talks each year. To hear more from Nick, follow him on Twitter at @n1cholasv.
Yuri is the CTO at and a faculty member at the University of Toronto. His interests span software architecture and global software development culture. Yuri’s book on software development in Brazil ( was published by the MIT Press in 2012. His other work has appeared in academic journals and in popular publications such as To hear more from Yuri, follow him on Twitter at @qaramazov.