The Secret To Fast-Tracking E-Commerce Development: The Lean Startup Way

Unlock the tools and methods from the Lean Startup school, which will allow your e-commerce business to create profitable online success at scale. In this webinar, Rangle's director of customer experience, Mike Costanzo, and founder/CEO Nick Van Weerdenburg walk you through the steps needed to achieve Lean retail e-commerce development.

Topics Covered:

  • How your brand is shaped by your customer's digital experience as much as it is by your advertising and product design.
  • The speed at which you can improve customer experience determines how fast you improve brand engagement and sales.
  • How lean software development practices not only do you get a better customer experience (and resulting brand experience and associated revenue), but also save you over 30% of your costs and 75% of your time to initial ROI.
  • Why most new features should go from design to live customer use in less than a month.
  • How being pixel-perfect won’t solve your problems (and may exacerbate them), and why the agency model is broken by the pace of modern retail.
  • How modern HTML5, mobile-first, and a back-end platform approach enable omnichannel strategies for almost any retailer's e-commerce development.

Speaker's Bio

Mike Costanzo

Mike is’s Head of UX and Product Design. He has experience designing large campaigns for national and international programs and is well versed in product and campaign development. He’s no slouch at writing front-end code either. As a champion of User Experience, he spoke about rapid interactive prototyping at Web Unleashed in Toronto and Lean UX at a number of tech events in the city.

Nick Van Weerdenburg

Nick is’s founder, first developer, and now leads the company’s business development and strategy activities. Nick first did server-side JavaScript in 1997 and has 15 years of experience in web software in diverse roles and industries. He is a firm believer in the thin-server, full-JavaScript stack and an active speaker, delivering about a dozen talks each year. To hear more from Nick, follow him on Twitter at @n1cholasv.